Monday, 21 June 2021

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Humanity hasn't advanced so far so as to invent a time machine yet, and so the cliché saying “Time never waits for anyone”, is still accountable in all its entirety. Indeed, time is such a powerful asset in our lives, if we lose it once, it’s lost upon us forever, there’s no going back. And that’s why, we cannot afford to lose a single second, ‘cause well, who knows when we will ever live again?

That’s where the invincible quote by Stephen King enters into the role: “Get busy living or get busy dying!”

Most of the humans do not ponder upon the purpose of their existence much, they come and go. Some get trapped in the vicious cycle of greed for paper bills; some get trapped in the vicious cycle of bad health. Some are too rich but aren’t physically or mentally stable; some are perfectly sound but are engulfed by the slippery well of poverty.

Being rich is difficult;

You’ll find yourself in an enemy cult.

Being poor is difficult;

You don't eat much other than insult.

Being a child is difficult;

‘Cause you got surrounded by restrictions & you sulk.

Being an adult is difficult;

Oh! How would you carry out those tough life decisions in bulk?

The point is if we keep labeling everything as difficult and blaming our fate, then we’ll just be wasting our much precious time and at last, take regrets and complaints to our graves. So, instead of carrying a scrunched-up, complaining face for the rest of our lives, why not invest our lives in finding a purpose in our life and fulfilling it? Rather than getting busy dying, why not get busy living our lives to the fullest and make it worthwhile?

Maybe we won’t become as famous or maybe not each and every person will sing songs of our bravery or kindness, but at least some people will remember the way we made them feel! At least some people would say that yes, that person was really a pure soul!

We can try each and every adventurous activity to get an adrenaline rush now or then, try different cuisines and find the uniqueness in each of them, try to love someone, try to get rid of toxic people and try to hustle and grow constantly, or if you’re too eager, exponentially!

But ‘trying’ is the key here. You don’t try, you say no to things without a second thought, then you’re just travelling on a way to a plain death. Nothing exciting about your life, no stories to tell to your grandchildren, then it’s just a painless journey to death in a bullet train. Learn to pause a little at every station of life in order to cherish every moment later as those nostalgic memories.

What society would think; what the others would say? 

These are the most common thoughts which keep haunting our minds and act as ANTs: 'Automatic Negative Thoughts', which need to be avoided as much as possible. Rather than worrying about others, why can’t we do what our heart says in the first thought?! We got just one life, we got just one timeline to decorate! And it’s in our hands what memories we can string onto our own timeline! So, get busy already, busy living up your life to the fullest!

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